PFAN joins local partners to promote logistics investment opportunities in the Cambodian horticulture sector
As part of the Feed the Future Cambodia Harvest II USAID Project, the Cambodia Logistics Association (CLA) is hosting an online workshop entitled Logistics Investment Opportunities in Cambodian Horticulture. It will take place on Tuesday 24th of August (2-4 PM) bringing together logistics firms, investors, agri-businesses, project developers, government officials and industry associations.
Feed the Future Cambodia Harvest II is a five-year USAID supported project to accelerate growth in the Cambodian horticulture sector. Harvest II supports commercial relationships that will ultimately allow farmer groups, buyers, processors and other market participants to compete more effectively in domestic and international markets.
Harvest II is currently soliciting grant applications from logistics organizations working in the horticulture sector, with preference given to private sector organizations. The closing date for applications is the 3rd of September, and this workshop will be a great opportunity for interested stakeholders to ask questions, to potentially benefit from follow-up consulting meetings which could lead to the grant application, fundraising support as well as introduction to relevant investors.
During the webinar, PFAN Country Coordinator for Cambodia, Cecile Dahome, will explain how PFAN works, and how companies can apply for PFAN’s mentoring services. Cecile will highlight the fact that the next round of applications for PFAN services closes on 29 August 2021.
To register, click here!
For further information on the workshop, please contact:
CLA : secretary@cla.org.kh
Ms. Margaux Bardet, mbardet@seveaconsulting.com
The featured photo is from the Cambodian Harvest II’s Facebook page