Launch of the PFAN Deal Book
In 2019, we re-invigorated our work in East Africa, and despite a tough 2020 and 2021 occasioned by the Covid-19 pandemic, we have managed to support over 68 projects in the region in various sectors and technology areas since then. In 2021, 8 PFAN-supported projects attracted about $26.7 million in various forms of capital. These projects ranged from clean cooking, clean cooling, electric mobility and infrastructure.
Our work with investors has historically centred around individual project-investor engagements and, before the pandemic, hosting occasional investor fora from to present selected projects in a conference setting. In the new, virtual-first era, we are now exploring leveraging digital tools to continue – and indeed even expand – that work, and the PFAN Eastern Africa Deal Book is the first step in that direction.
The Deal Book contains a listing of projects and businesses currently being supported by PFAN. We have selected a total of 21 projects from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and Ethiopia that are at varying degrees of development that may be of interest to prospective investors. Some of these are “deal ready” while others still need to be refined further through the PFAN coaching process, but are very promising. The directory spans climate mitigation and adaptation projects in various sectors including renewable energy and agriculture, as well as in a variety of technologies. Use the filters at the top of the project listing to narrow down to your area of interest.
Investors are invited to register an account, which, after validation by the PFAN team will give you access to view detailed project information including an elevator pitch video and downloadable investment teaser, save interesting projects to your own “folder” of prospective investees and book a one-on-one introductory meeting with the entrepreneur.
Click here to browse the Deal Book.