Caribbean and Central America Clean Energy Investment Forum
PFAN’s flagship event, the Investment Forum, went online this month at the Caribbean and Central America Clean Energy Investment Forum, where selected investment-ready projects were showcased to groups of investors, financiers and regional stakeholders. The event was co-organised with GreenMomentum, a cleantech marketing intelligence and innovation firm specialised in Latin America.
The two-day event featured five PFAN-supported projects:
- Earthspark International, Microgrids, Haiti;
- Inventive Power, Industrial Solar Thermal, Mexico;
- Hidroeléctrica Tres Ríos, Hydro Generation, Guatemala;
- Pellet México Bioenergía, Scale-up, Mexico;
- Patuca Green Enterprises, Hydro-PV Generation, Honduras
Allison Archambault, CEO of Earthspark International, attended the forul for the first time: “The PFAN team did an extraordinary job! They were able to quickly see the value of our project, then work with us to effectively prepare for the summit. The summit itself was very impressive—with great, specific match making with investors. I am very excited about the follow up conversations we are having. The Summit may turn out to be the pivotal moment for our equity raise. Thank you, PFAN!”
Please visit the CEIF website for more information
Photo courtesy Earthspark International