Investment and Financing Opportunities for Energy Efficiency Practitioners – PFAN Virtual Roadshow Manila
On April 12, 2019 President Rodrigo Duterte signed into law Republic Act (RA) 11285, entitled “Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act”. The law established a framework for introducing and institutionalising fundamental policies on energy efficiency and conservation, including the promotion of efficient and judicious utilisation of energy, increase in the utilisation of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies, and the delineation of responsibilities among various government agencies and private entities.
Thus, there is a growing need for the services of energy management and audit practitioners in the Philippines. The Energy Efficiency Practitioners Association of the Philippines (ENPAP 4.0 Inc.), is an association of about 300 energy solutions providers, mostly SMEs, who are on the lookout for expansion opportunities since RA 11285 was enacted. The ESCO contracting model is a relatively unfamiliar ground for local EE engineers as well as financing institutions. PFAN will deliver a webinar for ENPAP 4.0 Inc. to shed light on EE investment and financing opportunities available in the local and regional market.
Speakers: Peter du Pont and Laurie Navarro
Date: 17 July 2020, Friday
Time: 2:00 – 3:00 (Manila Time)
Registration link: https://bit.ly/2ZKcwZe
PFAN Virtual Roadshow Manila 2020
Investment and Financing Opportunities for ESCOs
For more information, please contact PFAN Country Coordinator in the Philippines, Laurie Navarro: laurie.navarro@pfan.net or PFAN Advisor, Daisy Briones: daisy.briones@pfan.net