PPSE Holds Two-Day Training on Investment Facilitation for Advisors and CEFP-TF Members

The Pakistan Private Sector Energy Project held a training program on Investment Facilitation for its advisor network and the Clean Energy Financing Pakistan Task Force (CEFP-TF) members on 25th and 26th September 2023 at Avari Towers, Karachi. The 2-day training held in partnership with TrueNorth (Pvt.) Limited and was designed to empower professionals with the knowledge and skills required to facilitate successful project closures and attract vital investments. The following range of key areas were covered, including:

1.  Understanding investor expectations

2. Mitigating risks

3. Optimizing deal structures

4. Honing negotiation expertise

5. Ensuring legal compliance

6. Conducting due diligence

7. Crafting persuasive pitches to investors

8. Establishing robust mechanisms for ongoing project monitoring

9. Creating Lean Canvas Business Plans

10. Deal Structuring, Negotiations, Investment Instruments

For more details and a snapshot of the capacity building sessions, check out our showreel: