In July 2023, PFAN completed a collaboration with ADEME (the French Agency for Ecological Transition), who launched a call for projects to support companies and NGOs that develop and implement innovative solutions to improve access to off-grid energy in sub-Saharan Africa. Over the last two years, PFAN provided support through business advising and the evaluation of their impacts to nine selected companies.
Moon has designed a solution to provide solar energy to homes with its affordable solar home system (SHS) and connectivity solution (MoonPhone). Their objective is to provide access to solar energy to hardest-to-reach rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa, with local subsidiaries in Senegal and Togo. Currently, the company has two types of payment solutions, a PAYG system, operational in Togo, based on a rent-to-own logic, and a PAYG as well as an FFS model operational in Senegal.

Moon started their operations in 2017 in Casamance, Senegal, where they had their first 1,000 users. The company recently started operations in Togo and plans to deploy another 200,000 solar kits over the next five years. By the end of 2022, they had powered 20,000 rural households in sub-Saharan Africa with a team of 70 talents and plans to reach over 100,000 people in more than 3 countries by 2026. Additionally, they are working on a powerful solar offering for productive use beyond its current one.
“Thanks to this system, I can really improve my work in the classroom and also the education system for my children. They can study at home without any problem. I can prepare my lessons. In the past, we couldn’t do this because there was no light. We had to prepare during the day. Now that we have light, we prepare all the lessons at night and teach in the morning”, says Alphousseyni Seydi, Teacher at Katy Elementary School, Senegal. Sansamba’s Village Chief expressed that, “Whether it’s day or night, light is life”.

In 2017, Moon was the first West African renewable energy provider to bundle an energy and digital solution into one. Their value proposition is providing affordable solar lighting to the communities it serves in Senegal and Togo. It strongly believes that its systems positively affect the social, environmental and economic aspects of these beneficiary communities.
“We are grateful to partners like PFAN, who have enabled us to serve so many people, especially by helping us to reach those in need in the most remote areas through our last-mile policy”, says Emmanuel Sambou, Sales and Customer Satisfaction Manager, Moon Senegal.
Watch the impact story of Moon