Job Vacancy: Country Coordinators for Lao PDR, Philippines & Vietnam (Part-time)

PFAN is currently seeking candidates for the position of Country Coordinators (part-time) for Lao PDR, Philippines & Vietnam.


Position:        PFAN Country Coordinators (Part-time)

Report to:      PFAN Southeast Asia Regional Coordinator

Location:       Lao PDR, Philippines, Vietnam


About PFAN

The Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) is a global network of climate and clean energy financing experts initiated in 2006. Since its inception, PFAN has helped to mobilize more than USD 3 billion of financing for 228 small and medium businesses.  PFAN, which is hosted by the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) and executed by the Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP), is seeking candidates for Country Coordinator positions in Lao PDR, the Philippines, and Vietnam.


Project Context
The primary obstacles to the large-scale deployment of low-carbon, climate-resilient technologies are (a) access to finance and (b) limited pipelines of investment-ready projects. The large investment flows to achieve the transition at the speed and scale necessary to meet global climate and energy challenges can only be achieved by leveraging the private sector.

PFAN matches private (and to a lesser extent public) financing and investment with innovative low carbon, climate resilient projects in developing countries and emerging economies. To do this, PFAN makes a small public investment through a low-risk, low overhead networking model based on fixed-fee services for coaching on business planning, financial modeling and structuring, and investor pitching and outreach. This suite of services addresses a need long recognized in international development and climate circles. PFAN supports project developers with low-carbon, climate resilient projects in upstream technology development and downstream technology deployment.

PFAN mobilizes the expertise of private sector companies in financing climate-friendly projects and technologies to screen business plans and select the most economically viable and environmentally and socially beneficial projects. For the entrepreneurs and businesses selected, PFAN provides guidance on business model viability, economic feasibility, project structuring, investment and financing, preparation of the business plan, and introductions to investors.

Specifically, PFAN serves three functions:

  1. building the capacity of entrepreneurs and businesses to develop bankable projects;
  2. mitigating investor risk; and
  3. mainstreaming investments in low-carbon, climate resilient projects for sustainable development

PFAN’s comparative advantage in the finance space for low-carbon, climate-resilient projects is originating a quality financeable pipeline for investment by multilateral and private sector investors.


Main Functions
PFAN Country Coordinators (CC) have the following primary responsibilities:

  • maintain and expand the existing PFAN network in the country;
  • build strong partnerships with organizations that can help to originate projects as well as with the banking and investor communities;
  • originate a steady stream of high-quality, innovative climate and clean energy projects to coaching by PFAN Advisors;
  • recruit climate, clean energy, and finance experts to apply for positions as PFAN Advisors and help to grow the pipeline and coach projects;
  • support the Regional Coordinator, Global Coordinator and the PFAN Management Unit in the design and implementation of PFAN network programmes and activities; and
  • represent PFAN as its dedicated representative in the country, liaising with strategic partners, advisors, network investors, and other stakeholders in the country, in order to support and further the development of PFAN activities and interests.

These roles will support the development of new businesses and the origination of clean energy and climate projects. The CC will identify and help evaluate clean energy and climate projects for receipt of PFAN support and advice and will also provide financing advice and project development assistance to selected projects in support of PFAN’s objectives of leveraging private investment in clean energy and climate in the country.

The CC will also interface and coordinate with other development activities and initiatives around the country related to scaling up clean energy and climate finance and deployment.


Required Skillset
The CC candidate will have substantive experience in origination, structuring, execution, and post-deal maintenance of clean energy and climate investment transactions – ideally on both the buy and sell side.  He/she will need experience working with the country’s energy institutions and government agencies and to be politically and diplomatically astute. The ideal candidate will probably have worked for investment funds, institutional investors and/or banks in senior origination or transaction positions. Experience in senior advisory roles in country and/or donor-funded programmes that focus on clean energy investment would also be preferred. The candidate should be able to document a successful track record of private sector investment raised, and deals facilitated and closed. In addition, the candidate should have a working experience with programmes and activities funded by donors and/or development financing institutions (DFIs). The candidate should be able to demonstrate the ability to manage and coordinate multi-disciplinary advisory teams, and should have excellent communication skills.

The candidate must have the skills and credentials to support (and on occasionally represent) country climate adaptation and renewable energy developers seeking to be independent power producers (IPPs) and/or distributed energy service companies (DESCOs) and/or energy service companies (ESCOs) and/or climate adaptation solution providers, in project and investment negotiations with government agencies and utilities, with investors, commercial and development banks, with DFIs and donor institutions.

The candidate should have a university education to at least bachelor level, ideally an MBA or equivalent qualification in related fields (economics, finance, law, international and sustainable development, international relations) with relevant experience and in deal origination and deal closing facilitation.

This is a part-time position, and the candidate must reside in the country associated with the assignment—Lao PDR/Philippines/Vietnam. The contract will be renewed annually based on performance.


About the Application
Applicants are kindly requested to address their CV, motivation letter and any supporting documents to  Please note that only complete and timely submitted applications will be considered, and that only short-listed candidates will receive individual communication.

The application deadline: Open until filled. 


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