Gilgit Baltistan Climate-Energy Nexus Upcoming in Pakistan

Home to one of the majestic highest peaks in the world, such as the K2, the North-most region of Pakistan – Gilgit Baltistan is an international and local tourism hub. However, due to its fragile ecosystem, conservation and sustainable development are imperative to safeguard Gilgit Baltistan. PFAN’s Pakistan-dedicated project, the Pakistan Private Sector Energy Project (PPSE) aligns well with these goals, providing origination and investment facilitation support to clean energy companies to scale up. This event aims to initiate a conversation on the dire need for clean energy to find constructive solutions to the challenges that are caused by climate change in Gilgit-Baltistan. We are inviting clean energy experts, businesses, government representatives, gender experts and community leaders who are involved in clean energy in GB and are committed to explore more avenues for funding and other technical support for clean energy.

The Pakistan Private Sector Project (PPSE) funded by USAID Pakistan, that is implemented by the Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) in partnership with UNIDO and REEEP, aims to provide a platform for businesses in GB to know more about the project’s scope and impact on climate resilience and adaptation scale-up.

You can find the full agenda here: