Women’s Month Webinar: Embracing Equity in the Clean Energy Transition

The Pakistan Private Sector Energy Project is proud to partner with Women in Energy to put together a webinar exploring how we can embrace equity this women’s month in the clean energy transition, because sustainability is not possible without inclusivity. Tune in on 29th March, 12-1:30 pm (PKT) and 9-10:30 am (CET) by registering on the zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__COHJKiyRMSEICAKzG-OPw

PPSE is a USAID funded project, implemented by PFAN in partnership with UNIDO and REEEP.

Register now to ensure you get to listen from women who are at the top of the clean energy, finance and sustainability game!

Agenda: https://pfan.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Womens-Webinar-Agenda-FINAL.pdf

We look forward to your participation!