Gender Lens Investment Training for Financial Institutions in Pakistan
Gender Mainstreaming is at the heart of PFAN activities as we recognise not only the responsibility but also the opportunity to contribute towards the overarching goal of gender equality and the empowerment of women.
Since 2019, PFAN has been intensifying its efforts to achieve its gender objectives through various means, such as the development of a PFAN Gender Strategy and Action Plan as well as Gender Awareness Trainings and Masterclasses on Gender-Lens Investing. The Pakistan-specific project, Pakistan Private Sector Energy (PPSE), is dedicated to helping bridge the gender divide in financial inclusion and is organizing an upcoming Gender Lens Investment Training for selected Financial Institutions in the country. The 1-Day intensive training will cover the gender lens within banking products that facilitate more equitable investment, particularly in clean energy. PPSE has partnered with the National Institute of Banking and Finance (NIBAF) for this capacity building initiative.
The Pakistan Private Sector Project (PPSE) funded by USAID Pakistan, is implemented by the Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) in partnership with UNIDO and REEEP.
If you are a finance professional interested in joining the training, please contact:
Ahsan.gaylani@pfan.net or Mavra.bari@pfan.net
Please note that this is a CLOSED INVITATION only training.
PPSE Gender Lens Investment Training for Financial Institutions Agenda
Lead Trainer
Guest speaker